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Bedford County Mayor Signs Proclamation for June Dairy Month

Peterson Media Group

Bedford County Mayor Chad Graham signed a proclamation on Monday recognizing June Dairy Month, a nationwide celebration of dairy products and the farmers who make them available. The mayor toasted the event by sharing a glass of chocolate milk with June Dairy Month chair Scotlynn Osterhaus and representatives of the University Bedford County Mayor Chad Graham signed a proclamation on Monday recognizing June Dairy Month, a nationwide celebration of dairy products and the farmers who make them available. The mayor toasted the event by sharing a glass of chocolate milk with June Dairy Month chair Scotlynn Osterhaus and representatives of the University of Tennessee/Tennessee State University Extension and the 4-H program.

The 2020-2025 dietary guidelines released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) include the importance of consuming three daily servings of dairy foods like milk, yogurt and cheese.

According to The Dairy Alliance, National Dairy Month started out as a way to distribute extra milk during the warm months of summer. The commemoration was established in 1937 by grocer organizations sponsoring National Milk Month. By 1939, June became the official dairy month.



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