On Friday, July 26, 2024, Tonya Garner, Excellence Program Director for Coffee County Schools, was notified that the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant was not approved for the 2024-2025 school year.
This grant funded the Excellence Afterschool Program in Coffee County Schools for the last five years at Deerfield, East Coffee, Hickerson, and North Coffee and the last three years at Hillsboro Elementary. ESSER funded the Excellence Afterschool program at New Union and Coffee County Middle School for the last three years.
The school system applied for the funding but was denied. According to sources, On Target News has learned that the next time to apply will be in 2026.
Director of Schools Dr Charles Lawson stated, “This is a huge loss for our students, families, staff, and community. Administrators are currently exploring other options at this time and information will be shared with everyone as soon as decisions are made.”