The Department of Education released individual district scores Monday for the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) test results.
“I am proud of our students and teachers for the hard work they put into ensuring they were ready for this year’s TCAP testing,” said Dr. Kristina Boone, TCS Director of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and Federal Programs. “These scores provide us with data that allows us to see students’ strengths and identify areas for improvement. We will continue to focus on improving outcomes as we move forward.”
TCAP scores are based on student comprehension in different subject areas. Third through fifth-grade students are tested in English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics and science. Middle school students are tested in the same three subjects, as well as social studies.
TCS third through eighth-graders saw improvement or maintained proficiency in every subject tested compared to 2023 results. The district saw gains in middle school ELA, middle school science and middle school social studies.
“While this is one data point from the full academic year, it is helpful information,” said TCS Director of Schools, Dr. Catherine Stephens. “TCS utilizes this TCAP data in conjunction with other data points collected throughout the year to ensure our planning and decision-making for students and their growth and progress are at the forefront of our minds. Our teachers and administrators will analyze these TCAP results, celebrate the successes, and pinpoint areas of growth.
“Our teachers invest so much time before, during, and after each school day to positively impact the lives of their students,” Dr. Stephens continued. “Teachers utilize high-quality lessons that focus on academic standards and challenge their students’ thinking through rigorous experiences. Our students enter each day ready to learn and work hard to meet and exceed expectations, and we are proud of each one of them. Thank you to our parents who support our students and teachers as we all partner in this educational journey to ensure our students are college and career-ready.”
Parents can access their student’s individualized TCAP scores by logging into the TCAP Family Portal. Custom reports and student resources are also provided on the TCAP Family Portal. Additionally, each TCS campus
will be sending home an individualized student report. Detailed EOC data for high school courses will be coming out in the fall.